If you haven't tried zeus yet, you are missing out on some free speed. It is similar to spork but aims to be language agnostic. The main thing I find exciting about it is that it can be used to do things other than run tests such as loading consoles and running generators.
I like to write my integration tests with spinach, and this does not work out of the box with zeus. This post outlines how to get them working together - it's pretty simple.
What You Have to Do
Run zeus init
to generates two zeus config files -
custom_plan.rb and zeus.json.
Fill in custom_plan.rb with the following code:
require 'zeus/rails'
class CustomPlan < Zeus::Rails
def spinach_environment
require 'spinach'
def spinach
spinach_main = Spinach::Cli.new(ARGV.dup)
exit spinach_main.run
Zeus.plan = CustomPlan.new
Replace cucumber with spinach in zeus.json so that zeus knows what to run on startup:
"command": "ruby -rubygems -r./custom_plan -eZeus.go",
"plan": {
"boot": {
"default_bundle": {
"development_environment": {
"prerake": {"rake": []},
"runner": ["r"],
"console": ["c"],
"server": ["s"],
"generate": ["g"],
"destroy": ["d"],
"dbconsole": []
"test_environment": {
"spinach_environment": {"spinach": []},
"test_helper": {"test": ["rspec", "testrb"]}
Dependencies Used
Both spinach and zeus are fairly new so this solution may not work with future versions of them. This works with:
- zeus version 0.13.2
- spinach 0.7.0
- spinach-rails 0.1.8 (for a rails app)